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California Assessment System

California English Language Arts and Mathematics Tests

Smarter Balanced summative assessment results include student scores, achievement levels, and descriptors that describe performance. These assessment results are only one of several tools used to measure a student's academic performance in ELA/Literacy and Mathematics. Smarter Balanced assessment results are most appropriately interpreted alongside other available information about a student's academic achievement, including such measures as, classroom assignments and grades, classrooms tests, report cards, and teacher feedback.


California Alternative Assessment English, California Alternative Assessment Mathematics, and California Alternative Assessment Science Test

The California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) for English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA), Mathematics, and Science are part of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress system. The goals of the CAAs are to ensure that students with the most significant cognitive disabilities achieve increasingly higher academic outcomes and leave high school ready for post-secondary options.


California Science Test (CAST)

California's new state standards for science call for students to think and work like scientists and engineers—asking questions and learning through hands-on investigation and discovery. Working with science teachers, California is developing a new assessment that emphasizes scientific thinking and reasoning. This year your student will participate in the tryout of test items for this future assessment. While this tryout will not provide scores for you student, it is an important first step in developing an assessment that will fairly and accurately measure how students are achieving on the new science standards.


English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC)

The California Department of Education (CDE) is transitioning from the CELDT to the ELPAC as the state English language proficiency assessment. Starting in the spring semester of 2018 English learners will take the ELPAC instead of the CELDT. 



Physical Fitness Test (PFT)

By law (California Education Code Section 60800), all public local educational agencies in California are required to administer the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) annually to all students in grades five, seven, and nine. The PFT provides information that can be used by (1) students to assess levels of health-related fitness and to plan personal fitness programs; (2) teachers to design the curriculum for physical education programs; (3) parents and guardians to understand their child's fitness levels; and (4) by teachers, parents, and guardians to monitor changes in the student's fitness levels.



All of the assessments listed above are given in April or May with the exception of the CELDT, which is proctored within 30 days of a student's arrival.