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Law Enforcement

Public Services Industry Sector

Public Services Industry Sector

Chris Woolever
Ponderosa High School
3661 Ponderosa Road
Shingle Springs, CA 95682
8:30 - 9:58 am Monday
8:30 - 10:02 am Tuesday-Friday
Length of Course:
Full school year (August - May)
Students must start the course at the beginning of the fall semester.
First semester will be spent in the classroom. Second semester will be spent at a community classroom site and students will attend class one day a week.
10 credits per semester with a passing grade.

Course description

Students in this program learn about many facets of the Criminal Justice field including instruction in firearms, CPR, elementary criminal law, courts, correctional systems, un-armed defense, due process provided by the U.S. Constitution, rights of citizens and court procedures. You will examine the entire scope of careers in law enforcement for Federal, State and local careers.

certifications Earned

American Heart Association CPR Certificate.

Enrollment eligibility

High school juniors and seniors who are age 16 or older are eligible to enroll in this course.

course prerequisites

High school juniors and seniors must request this course through their Counseling Office during their school's course selection priod (January -
Students must provide their own transportation to class.