WorkAbility I Staff:
Senior Director, Student Success
Transition Specialist, ORHS

WorkAbility is an employment development and training program available to all special education students within the El Dorado Union High School District. We assist students in their preparation for successful transition from high school to adult life. Students are served through a variety of in-class lessons, career exploration activities and job placements.
WorkAbility is a partnership between families, school, local agencies, and the local business community. Because not all students are expected to find or want employment while in high school, the focus of WorkAbility I is on work readiness skills, preparation for eventual employment and planning for life after high school.
Business Partners:
If you have a place of business in the El Dorado County area and you could use some student assistance, please contact us about becoming a WorkAbility I Business Partner! A Business Partnership is a strong and realistic commitment between business, education and the community consisting of clearly defined goals, mutual benefits, and open ongoing communication.
- Life Skills
- My Education and Employment Goals for After High School
- Student Employment Paperwork
- Where Can I Get a Job Right Now?
- Who Do You Want to Be? - career exploration tool
- WorkAbility Resources
- WorkAbility Surveys
- California Career Center - your virtual counselor
- California Career Zone - great career research tool
- Make Money Choices - fun activity to see if your career will pay your expenses
- 16 Personalities - take a no-obligation Myers Briggs-type personality quiz to find your strengths
- What's Your Learning Style? - fun quiz to learn how you learn
- Success in the New Economy - video about college and work
- Stay Motivated in School - video
- What to Expect at Your First Job - video
- How to Ace Your Job Interview - video
- How to Dress for a Job Interview - video
- Check Out a Career as a Carpenter - video